School and Childcare Portrait Photography

How to Choose Which Childcare Photography Packages Suit Your Service

There are dozens of options in every area​ when choosing your childcare photographer, with more and more photographers or mums with cameras hitting the market each year - so what package option suits your service? How do you choose!? It's tempting to swap and change providers depending on whoever walks into your centre with the "best deal" that year. 

But is price really the only factor you should consider when choosing your preferred supplier?

The best way to conduct your selection process for choosing your childcare photography packages is to first asses your centres needs by asking these 17 questions:

  1. How long do we want a photographer in our yard?
  2. Do we have space for a moving candid photographer or a stationary backdrop?
  3. What style would our families prefer, do most formally dress the children for portrait day?
  4. Would families like one or more photographs to choose from?
  5. Does the photographer do siblings?
  6. Do families need to register?
  7. What budget range do our families have?
  8. Do families pre-pay or buy after portrait day?
  9. What products does the photographer offer?
  10. Do we receive any team discounts or product benefits?
  11. Does the photographer do staff portraits and group composites?
  12. Does the photographer work with our sized centre?
  13. What is the turnaround times?
  14. How does the photographer communicate with us and our families?
  15. What is the expectation of us?
  16. Is the photographer a specialist in this field, how much experience do they have managing a large number of families?
  17. Is the order system user-friendly, online or paper?

When it's time to book your yearly childcare portrait day selecting your photographer based on packages and price alone is risky business decision-making.

Below we provide further insight, from a professional childcare photography company, into each of these questions including what our service provides. ​​

School Portrait Art Childcare Packages for 2023

$36 Basic Package

  • (1) 5x7”
  • (1) 8x10" Group Print

$46 My Little Love Package

  • (3) 5x7”
  • (1) 8x10" Group Print

$65 Darling Life Package

  • (1) Wallet Set
  • (5) 5x7”
  • (2) 6x8"
  • (1) 8x10" Group Print

$65 Little Treasure Package

1 Pose the same image printed as​

  • (1) Wallets Set
  • (2) 5x7”
  • (1) 8x10"
  • (1) 8x10" Group Print

$88 The Gift Package

  • (1) Wallets Set
  • (3) 4x6"
  • (3) 5x7”
  • (3) 8x10"
  • (1) 8x10" Group Print

Plus additional individual prints and digital options to suit all budgets.

Below is our online shopping cart for a super easy user experience.

School Portrait Art
Answers Your Important Question's
When Choosing Your Photographer for your Childcare Picture Day

How long do we want a photographer in our yard

Candid photography takes much longer, sometimes a week or up to two weeks of morning visits to your service. Whilst working with a backdrop system with skilled professionals can compress the same-sized service down to one to three mornings.  

Before Covid in 2021 School Portrait Art offered the candid style of photography and it required up to twice the amount of time being at the centre. 

Since implementing the studio style with a stationary backdrop we noticed many positives, including time efficiency. 

A centre with under 70 children/day can be photographed in one morning, starting at 7.30 am the team usually leave before 11am.

For larger centres, we schedule multiple mornings photographing from early until just before lunch to ensure we are out of the way for your most hands-on part of the day.

Do we have space for a moving candid photographer, or a stationary backdrop

If you choose a candid photographer your educators will need to assist in keeping children away from areas in the yard so they don't appear in the subject child's background.

This can be a super tricky task for both the photographer and your team, I could tell you some stories! haha
Keeping children inside is definitely not an option since this style of photography takes longer with the time the photographer and each child move around.

As studio-styled photographers, once we set up the team can use barricades to encourage children to keep away naturally.

We require solid shade so usually, our team set up down the end of your veranda, which doesn't impact the children's play in the yard.

What style would our families prefer, do most formally dress the children for portrait day

Do your families love the down and dirty action-packed kinder photographs?
Then you suit working with a candid photographer. We love this style too.

However, we noticed that most parents dressed their children in crisp outfits that looked odd when we placed them into yard action. Our photographer had to hunt for a suitable setting which added more time. It became tricky to decide who should dig and who should just sit by the flowers, if there was any.

That was the next hurdle of candid childcare photography, finding suitable places in the yard as the light changes throughout the morning. One spot that worked might not an hour later when the sun had changed.

That's another reason our team and your families love the studio setting, consistency!
Consistently gorgeous no matter how casual or formal the children are dressed.

Instead of worrying about the background and lighting, the team can focus on connecting with each child to bring out their personality and capture a variety of expressions.

Would families like one or more photographs to choose from

How many photographs are provided for families to choose from is where you will find the largest disparity in what photographers offer, and this correlates directly with price and time at your centre. 

Photographers who take a single studio-style photograph spend less time at your service and tend to offer the least expensive package options, whilst keeping their flow and packages very simple.

Photographers who spend more time in the yard with each child capturing a variety of locations and poses tend to have the most expensive options. This doesn't mean they don't have budget options too, it generally means they have more variety in product options and therefore a more complex package structure.  

The two mentioned scenarios are of the extremes and there is a whole scale in between with how many photographs the photographer present's for families to choose from.  Since this factor is so closely related to time spent with each child you'll have to deeply consider what overall is the most important consideration, variety vs time.

We offer as many photographs as we can whilst managing efficiency and taking the time to see each child shine, that's why we provide 10-15 photographs per registered child.

Does the photographer do siblings

Taking sibling photographs requires an extra level of posing skill, particularly for certain age ranges, like tiny infants. 
This can be quite time-consuming and slow down the flow of photography on portrait day. 

Families love this option and if provided, there are always those who take the opportunity to bring in children from outside the service.

However, some photographers prefer not to add this disruption, and some centre managers prefer not to either! 

It is fair to say it does add to the peak hour of portrait morning, however for us, we know how much families appreciate this service so we say yes to offering sibling portraits of children within and outside of the service. 

However, we respect the directions from management and work to your request on this one. 

This is where pre registration is helpful and families can communicate this request directly with the photographer.

Do families need to register

A registration system helps the photographer to manage their time while at your centre.  It is disappointing when after all the work 40-10% of the children's galleries have not even been viewed by the families. 

Gallery non-opens can happen when there is no family contact email provided, or they were just simply not interested in photography in the first place.
Consider the time and resources that are wasted from capture, production, editing, loading and... nothing. No open.  

By having a list of families who have registered the photographer knows who to spend a little more time with as they know the family is actually interested in pictures.
Some photographers don't work this way and more time is spent at your centre capturing more children than necessary, whilst others strictly only photograph those who have registered.

Be sure to consider if you want group composites. That's a single print compiled with all children and educators from the room.  

We work on a pre-registration system so we know who to spend a little more time with however all children are still photographed to ensure everyone is included in the group. 
Those who haven't registered we know are not interested in photography, however, they won't miss out on feeling included. A full collection for a registered child is 10-15 images, whilst a non registered child has 1-3 images.

Do families pre-pay or buy after portrait day

Like some school portrait companies, some kindy photographers prefer to manage their calendar, finances, and team by asking for prepayment.

A financial commitment from participants offers security in knowing the job is definitely going ahead and the team can be confirmed.  Prepayments also encourage a commitment from families to open their galleries and keep an eye out for communication with the photographer, a financial commitment is one of the biggest incentive motivators.

Sometimes this will just be a small sitting fee that is on top of the product package and compensates the photographer for their time, in this instance, you'll notice the photographer's product pricing might be slightly less than others.

For the photographers who take a pre payment, or also known as a booking fee, offer this as a credit linked to the child's gallery and ready to be used towards products creating a minimum spend scenario, ranging from $50-$100. These photographers have the lowest gallery non-open rates in the industry. 

Here at School Portrait Art, we don't ask for a deposit, we ask for a verbal commitment in the form of pre-registration. We like to think that when families see how gorgeous the photographs of their child are they will choose to buy them all anyway!

This means we don't need to handle any refunds when children are absent on picture day, or if they refuse to be photographed.
These situations are a part of the process and we like to keep the paperwork as simple as possible. Our motto is,  come look and buy what you see and love, no obligations.

What budget range do our families have

Oftentimes when we make financial decisions it's founded on our money mindset and reflects more on our own conditions and ideas about money.

Thinking your families want the "cheapest option" can be narrow reasoning. A demographic area does not always influence families spending on photography, it actually comes down to individual values and what's important to the family. 

We have also discovered that for some families professional photography is not usually accessible for them so having studio styles portraits of their child is an absolutely unique experience.  These families truly value what's on offer and take advantage of the larger packages.

It really is challenging to make that decision for somebody else so we suggest finding a photographer that caters to all budgets. 

We pride ourselves on making professional photography in reach for all families no matter what their financial position is, that's also why we do not have a minimum spend. 

If a family chooses to purchase a single $15 print even after we have spent extra time and care with their child, we understand that's just part of what we do and they will treasure that one beautiful memory with all their heart.

You also don't want to limit other families who are thrilled to bits and want to send pictures to all of their family, hang portraits on their walls and celebrate their children's milestones with portrait photography.

What products does the photographer offer

Most photographers cover all basis when it comes to products on offer, but do check as by popular demand, some have streamlined their process by moving to digital files only.  

This option is viable, as families love digitals the most, but you’ll need to decide if you want to skip the room group print. 

Digital file packages are the most popular product by far. Owning the file gives families the opportunity to reproduce as many prints as they want in all sizes, and allows for easy sharing with family overseas.  

Take note, there is a big difference between “social share” files and “print ready”, also known as low resolution (social) and high resolution (print).  

The output difference is pretty clear by the name, the social media only files are of such a low resolution (for fast uploading on-screen) if one tries to print from these the result will be very pixelated and a low-quality print.

Considering this high demand for digital copies of the images, in our experience, we are surprised by the number of families who skip the DIY and still choose print only packages. 
We consider the ordering platform a part of the products offered since this can make or break the user experience.

Over the years we have tested a multitude of private access gallery systems and we are so excited to offer our new exclusive platform.
The advanced technology offers back-end efficiency, less room for human error and for you - a seamless experience for your families.  

We also offer specialty products, wall art, key rings, magnets and all the little treasures that bring your photographs into everyday use.

Do we receive any team discounts or product benefits

For professional photographers this can be a cringy topic, everyone deserves to be respectfully paid for their skills without having to haggle.  In saying this, childcare photography differs a little from privately commissioned family portraits due to the volume of subjects in one sitting.

This does still equate to extra staff and management of such a high volume, particularly post-portrait day, it’s a whole new complexity for the average photographer. 

However, most daycare photographers like to offer rewards to the booking centre for inviting them into their service. We recommend this should definitely be one of your lowest priority considerations as you could miss out on a highly talented photographer who won’t offer many discounts on principal.

In saying that, School Portrait Art absolutely rewards our partners with digital files of both the team and the room composites, along with prints for both.  

We are told by our services who display these in reception that the children love pointing to themselves and their friends during the daily transition into care, supporting their sense of belonging.

We always offer educators with children at the service a team discount in recognition of the hard work they do. Sometimes we do offer promotions that include extra bonuses for early bookings - 12 months in advance. 

So be sure to ask us when you reach out with your preferred dates!

Does the photographer do staff portraits and group composites

Not all photographers automatically include team portraits and group composites, particularly those who offer digital only packages.  

Approximately fifty percent of our centres do not ask us to provide them with the team portraits as they have their own style already hanging on display.  
These centres like to take this photograph in the same repeatable spot themselves with every new team member throughout the year. 
It really depends on your staff turnover, however, we suggest it’s always lovely to have a copy of the cleanly lit professional portrait of your people.

For us regardless if you want the team individually or not, if you want the room composites then we need to capture these to include each educator with their children. 

Our room groups are called composites as these are compiled with each child’s best individual portrait into one print.  We like to keep these modern and fresh in the design, and include the centre’s logo alongside our own.

Note, some partners prefer traditional group portraits and although we can offer these, we really prefer to only do them for Kindergarten aged children.  

In our experience with babies and toddlers, this is quite a trauma-inducing exercise for both children and educators alike! 

Is the order system user-friendly, online or paper

As centre Director you probably already understand how much of an impact the photographers' way of receiving orders has on you and your team.  

Naturally, you are going to want to find a photographer who handles most of the responsibility of dealing with families when it comes to placing their orders. 

But does this make an online system better than the old paper envelopes? It really does depend on the system!

We shudder to admit one of the very first platforms we utilised when transitioning from a smooth envelope system added more complications than ever and long hours of technical support helping families navigate the interface. 
Mind you we didn’t stop until everyone was assisted, but no one wants that experience. Ever.
We like to think that we’ve tested everything available to the Australian market and are so pleased to finally be at a scale where we can partner with the platform we now prefer.  

This has taken some years of growth and expansion to the number of centres and schools that we service to be able to absorb the cost without having to increase our prices to compensate, that just wasn’t viable in our opinion. 

So from 2023 onwards we not only experience a multitude of benefits in the way our system allows us to remove human errors in the back end. 
We can also offer an exclusive user-friendly interface for your families too. 

Does the photographer work with our sized centre

Sole Trading Photographers who do not not have an assistant on site or helping with the administration are limited in the maximum capacity centre they can service without compromising the overall experience for families. 

Turnaround times are impacted by this and their ability to respond to families' inquiries.  
This is a common downfall for a lot of photographers in general, yea, it’s true, the curse of the creative haha, so add 50+ families and professional communication can be a complete fail.

The larger the company the more systematised they become, although that can feel impersonal depending on the company's culture. Overall a large company means well-tested and documented procedures,  less room for human error, and professional responses resulting in overall trust.

In saying all of this, absolutely do not rule out a sole trader - this can be a different advantage. 
You are dealing with the same person from start to finish and the photographer is across all aspects of the job, from capture to customer support which makes for thoughtful care and fast decision-making. 

Just know there is a limit on how many families one human can service, so be sure to ask the question of what the photographer's ideal sized centre is for them to easily provide excellent customer service.

Our team now includes photographers, assistants, editors, printers, packers and marketing, therefore for our business model, we reached the point where we prefer larger centres, 150/day+ enrolled children. 
We do service centre with a minimum of 50/day+ enrollments and you will receive the same level of care that our business was founded on. 

You can read more about our company culture to understand what makes us a unique business.

How does the photographer communicate with us and our families

It’s important to ask your photographer how they respond to family inquiries to gain an insight into what you might have to troubleshoot yourself, as centre manager. Do they have a support phone number, email or instant messenger on their website? 

We know your families are accustomed to a fast-paced world juggling babes and work and that they want excellent customer service, otherwise, their photo query becomes your problem too.
Recognition of this customer care is exactly why School Portrait Art has grown steadily each year.

Communication is not just about customer support, it’s about the whole experience for families and management alike.  

From how the photography team interacts with the children and educators on portrait day through to the workflow process, the online shopping cart interface experience, clear deadlines for turnaround times and information provided to families throughout the project.  

When the process runs to a steady schedule then the need for support is significantly reduced.

Childcare photography is such a unique service that requires comprehensive policies and procedures in managing large volumes of families at each job. 

Just imagine the size of data management required as a Kindy Photographer! hah

You definitely want to rely on a business with communication experience in this specialty.

Is the photographer a specialist in this field, how much experience do they have managing a large number of families

Many photographers work as a “Photographer of all genres” with websites showcasing a portfolio of commercial, product, architecture, family, wedding and portrait photography. 
This might not seem like a problem when you’re reading a lovely webpage showcasing some childcare portraits, but how many centres does that photographer really service each year?

And how big are those centres, what is their product offering to reflect their expertise.

Some photographers manage to service a multitude of niches due to a simplified product mix, servicing kindys with digital-only options eliminates the need for extensive post-processing then packing and sorting personnel.

If you have a small centre you can afford the luxury of including sole trading photographer’s in your choice list who could quite comfortably handle a small project. 
However, for larger centres, this is definitely not the case. You need a specialist who can handle the volume of families' data and customer support with excellent procedures in place.

The School Portrait Art founder Catherine worked for over twenty years as a wedding and portrait photographer before exclusively serving schools and childcare centres in 2017.

Growing sustainably meant a gradual increase in teams and the number of contracted projects each year ensuring the same great customer service. 

As mentioned previously, the business is now at a stage it can offer a premium online shopping cart experience whilst not visible to customers, this also includes a seamless workflow from capture to print.

So that's one extensive list of all the things for you to consider. 

We hope you understand now why checking out your childcare photographer's packages is not the only factor in picking your photographer.  

When choosing the professionals who will be visiting your center and working with your children and team you need to first decide what are your most important considerations.

What does a successful portrait day look like for your unique service?

Good luck!

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