Childcare room ideas
April 29, 2023 2:39 PM
As a professional childcare and kindy portrait photographer I’d like to offer some advice in taking photographs of your little ones for your observations and documentation for parents. It is an essential medium to share your children’s enjoyment of the program you offer, so let’s ensure some of the basic photography rules are not overlooked.Ideally, to capture children in the moment you are best to stay low and take the photograph without the child knowing. Catherine Lowe, Managing Dire.....
July 31, 2022 12:08 PM
Get Inspired - Create a Beautiful Daycare Room.As educators you already know the importance of including family portraits in your centre's room, meeting the EYLF - BELONGING, creating a sense of comfort, safety, pride, and familiarity. The children absolutely LOVE these displays!But, have you seen it done well?As a photographer visiting many centres I have seen a variety of displays, done well, and not so well. Asking parents to bring in their own framed photographs can create ease for the educ.....

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