School and Childcare Portrait Photography

Displaying Family Photos in Childcare Setting. Create Meaning whilst Decorating your Daycare Room.

Get Inspired - Create a Beautiful Daycare Room.

As educators you already know the importance of including family portraits in your centre's room, meeting the EYLF - BELONGING,  creating a sense of comfort, safety, pride, and familiarity. The children absolutely LOVE these displays!

But, have you seen it done well?

As a photographer visiting many centres I have seen a variety of displays, done well, and not so well.

Asking parents to bring in their own framed photographs can create ease for the educators, however, this can lead to a huge disparity. Some children have wildly large framed prints next to others who might just bring in a small photograph. 

This post will share some tips on crafting a beautiful picture wall, communicating with parents and providing some budget wall display examples. 

These examples may not be exactly taken in a childcare setting, but I have looked for inspiration that would easily translate across.

All images are sourced from Pinterest.


Give clear details to Parents - Print Sizes.

To create cohesion and unity in your family photo wall send clear instructions home to parents.

Pay attention to the size that you require.

One way to do this is to choose the wall you want to work with and hold up standard print sizes on the wall to see if they will all fit.

Then include the chosen dimensions in your email or written note to parents.

Here is a list of the common standard print sizes to help you.


Centimetres (cm)

Milimmetres (mm)

4 x 6 inch

10.16 x 15.24 cm

101.6 x 152.4 mm

5 x 7 inch

6 x 8 inch

17.7 x 17.78 cm​

15.24 x 20.32 cm

127 x 177.8 mm​

152.4 x 203.2 mm

8 x 10 inch

20.32 x 25.4 cm

203.2 x 254 mm

11 x 14 inch

27.94 x 35.56 cm

279.4 x 355.6 mm

You could even include the recommended local print shop for parents to visit.

For example, Officeworks is an easy-to-find reliable location.


Paper Finish / Type - Standard VS Photographic Print.

The most cost-effective method is to print from a standard computer full-colour printer. Just note the finer details won't be as clear, and the paper will tear easier with the low gsm. Gsm is the thickness of the paper.

Alternatively, families could be directed to a local photographic lab for a professional grade finish. Be sure to ask for a matt rather than a high gloss finish. 

The Matt finish is non-reflective so you can see the image on every angle, and if the prints aren't behind glass little fingers touching won’t create finger-print marks.

Whichever option you choose the sentiment will be the same, your children and families will love the display. A family portrait wall not only instills a sense of belonging for the children, it connects their carers as well.

Be sure to consider separated families or alternative carers, and be inclusive. This project is the perfect ice breaker for talking to your families and gaining insight into each child's family dynamics.



Do you want all the photographs to be displayed exactly the same orientation?

Tell parents if their photograph needs to be vertical or horizontal, perhaps even provide a visual sample.

Set the Frame Style.

If your budget is non-existent, you might even want to tell the parents the exact frame you want them to purchase to match the theme of your picture display.

Again, if you direct families to Officeworks you could recommend the same frame from the shop so they aren't forced to visit various stores.

To ease your mind questioning their willingness to do this, you can remind parents they will be able to take this home at the end of their child’s time in your room.


Do parents do the printing or Educators DIY?

Do you have a mixture of family participation levels in your room?

You definitely don’t want this exercise to highlight the fact that some parents are involved in every little detail, while others are so swamped with their workloads they miss notifications.

For this reason, you might like to take the responsibility of printing into your own hands and simply ask families to email their best picture.

I have chosen as many budget-friendly display ideas here so that you can do it all yourself from your centre - whilst still having neat and unique wall art for your children.

* Left wire line can be purchased from Ikea.

pinterest inspired budget photo wall hanging ideas for daycares.jpg

         Family Tree Decal Sticker Art.

Create ease for families and have this 

Family-Tree permanently in your room.

And on that idea of not inflicting a list of to-do's on your families to make this project a hoot, you could have a beautiful family tree decal in your room with frames already provided. 

This makes it very clear what you need, and you could permanently have this in your room - swapping in and out the printed family portraits as children enter and exit your room.

The easiest place to order one of these gorgeous tree decals is AMAZON.

There is a variety of listings, and you can have it delivered to your door.

Doesn't get any easier than that!

One more thing to note, the purpose of the picture wall is for the children - so be sure to have them hanging at a height they can easily interact with to have the best impact.​


Did you know - We provide Childcare Portraits in your centre!

This article has been written for you by School Portrait Art.

We offer professional childcare portrait photography services Australia Wide - individual and room photographs, at no cost to the service. 

Partnering with professional photographers to bring you the best in natural candid portraits, without interfering with your educator's day. 

Click on the picture to discover more.

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